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The Baja Ha-Ha text and photos are being sent over a
Qualcomm satellite telephone using the Globalstar Satellite System. Qualcomm and
Globalstar are the official communications solution of Baja Ha-Ha
Photo of the Day
Wish You Were Here
November 6 - Leg 2
As they say, there's always next year. Why not make it your New Year's
resolution to be part of the Baja Ha-Ha VIII fleet? Bookmark
now for use later!
In the meantime, check out the Baja Ha-Ha
coverage below to see just some of what you have to look forward to.
Raven, Leg 2
Photo Latitude 38 |
Weather Updates
November 6 - Pacific and Atlantic Oceans
Tropical Weather
Are any hurricanes going to affect the Ha-Ha? You can check on the Mexico
hurricane region at http://weather.unisys.com/hurricane/e_pacific/2000/index.html.
is quiet in the Atlantic/Caribbean hurricane region.
San Francisco Bay Weather
To see what the winds are like on the Bay and just outside the Gate right
now, check out http://sfports.wr.usgs.gov/wind/.
California Coast Weather
Looking for current as well as recent wind and sea readings from 17 buoys and
stations between Pt. Arena and the Mexican border? Here's the place - which has
further links to weather buoys and stations all over the U.S.: www.ndbc.noaa.gov/stuff/southwest/swstmap.shtml.
Also check out http://facs.scripps.edu/surf/buoylist.html
(but note that the Java Applet is still not working with some browsers on Macs -
including your Webmistress's Netscape Communicator!)
Pacific Ocean Weather
You can view the University of Hawaii Department of Meteorology satellite
picture by clicking
Pacific Sea State
Check out the state of seas in the Pacific Ocean at: http://www.mpc.ncep.noaa.gov/RSSA/PacRegSSA.html.
For another view, see http://www.oceanweather.com/data/global.html.
Keep 'em Coming!
While the Baja Ha-Ha is underway, our cruising section will be on hiatus, but
we'd still love to hear from you...so keep your pictures and stories coming!
Qualcomm / Globalstar Satellite Systems Baja
Ha-Ha VII Update
1000, November 6, 2000 - Bahia Santa Maria, Baja California, 600 miles
south of San Diego
Most of the 112 boats in the Baja Ha-Ha cruisers' rally from San Diego
to Cabo San Lucas arrived in Turtle Bay long enough to enjoy two lay days
and lots of socializing. The big event on the first evening was the
traditional get together at the Vera Cruz restaurant in the little town of
4,000. Most folks walked up the hill to the restaurant, others used huge
trucks which were pressed into service as cabs. The second afternoon was
the traditional beach party, in which many folks flipped their dinghies in
the surf and went for a swim before sharing sushi, cervezas and tall tales
of the first leg. Yes, even the 'Latitude 38' dinghy took a dump,
destroying a Nikon camera body, telephoto lens, and crew lunch.
Nonetheless, a good time was had by all - including the many locals
curious to see what the gringos on boats were up to - at the abandoned
trailer park.
The 240-mile second leg to Bahia Santa Maria started
early on November 5. After seeing that there was no wind at the start, the
Grand Poobah informed the fleet that everyone was permitted to motor up to
five miles offshore on a course of 220 degrees without penalty. Everyone
cheered - then charged offshore in search of wind. Soon the fleet was
reveling in the 15 to 20 knots of wind under bright blue skies that had
been predicted by Commanders Weather, the official forecast service of the
Baja Ha-Ha. It was an afternoon and evening of spectacular sailing under
perfect conditions.
The winds held through the night, allowing
everyone to make excellent progress down the line. Thanks to the great
breeze and some extended surfing, the committee boat 'Profligate' arrived
at Bahia Santa Maria first, and is expecting lots of other boats to arrive
soon. We've already noticed that Kojak has his tent set up on the beach,
so apparently he will have his one-day-a-year restaurant-bar-dance hall
set up for tomorrow's beach party.
To date, the seventh version of
the Ha-Ha has had the best weather, the fastest times and the least
breakdowns. Here's to hoping it continues; wish you were here.
- The Grand Poobah aboard 'Profligate' |
and the fleet at the start of Leg
 Catch of the
day aboard Profligate
 Sunrise on the Pacific |
 Rowing Ashore at Turtle
Bay |
Photos Latitude 38 | This Baja
Ha-Ha VII update has been brought to you via Qualcomm satellite phones and
Globalstar satellite systems, the official communications system of the Ha-Ha.
We've been using their products to make countless calls and send the photos
you've seen here. It's worked great!
November 6 - The Pacific Ocean and Cyberspace
Who is out making passages in the Pacific and what kind of weather are they
having? Check out YOTREPS - 'yacht reports' - at http://www.bitwrangler.com/yotreps/
Vendée Globe Start Rescheduled for Thursday
November 6 - Bay of Biscay
Officials still hope to be able to
start the twice-delayed Vendée Globe singlehanded around-the-world race on
Thursday. Looking at the photo at right, we can see the reason for the
postponements. Bruce Schwab reports that "it is WAY nasty outside. Even
the fishing boats who know the harbor well cannot go out. No psycho
windsurfers today!" |
 The 20'
breakwater wall at Les Sables d'Olonne is awash. Photo Bruce
Schwab |
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